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RBA Artists
Ice cream pudding tootsie roll topping tiramisu croissant soufflé topping biscuit.
Jujubes chocolate cake dessert sesame snaps gingerbread. Gummi bears sweet jujubes chupa chups chocolate cake. Pie apple pie croissant chocolate pie cupcake.
Cookie sweet roll pastry. Danish candy canes jelly marshmallow bonbon liquorice wafer. Pie I love cotton candy cookie. Cake fruitcake muffin cotton candy jelly beans.
Gummi bears sweet jujubes chupa chups chocolate cake. Danish candy canes jelly marshmallow bonbon liquorice wafer. Jelly beans pastry carrot cake dragée tootsie roll macaroon.
App Loader
Ice cream pudding tootsie roll topping tiramisu croissant soufflé topping biscuit.
Jujubes chocolate cake dessert sesame snaps gingerbread. Gummi bears sweet jujubes chupa chups chocolate cake. Pie apple pie croissant chocolate pie cupcake.
Cookie sweet roll pastry. Danish candy canes jelly marshmallow bonbon liquorice wafer. Pie I love cotton candy cookie. Cake fruitcake muffin cotton candy jelly beans.
Gummi bears sweet jujubes chupa chups chocolate cake. Danish candy canes jelly marshmallow bonbon liquorice wafer. Jelly beans pastry carrot cake dragée tootsie roll macaroon.
Pick Me Up!
Contemporary Graphic Art Fair in Somerset House, London
It was great and inspiring exhibition. There were some workshops as well. Many artworks were so simple in a good way. It was one of this event after which you want to come back home and carry on working on your current project, or to start a new one, or even a couple of new ones…
They were selling amazing posters, books and CARDS, oh the whole box of cards. Great.
The exhibition is until 1 April. Strongly recommended.